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Our AGM voting results

Each year, we take resolutions to our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Members can vote on resolutions and the election or re-election of Board Directors.   

Our 164th Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place in the Marriott Hotel on 19 April 2024. Members were invited to attend our AGM in person, online and attend online at selected branches. 

It was great to see so many of you, our Members, taking an active role in building our society’s future by voting and attending the AGM. Those who joined us were able to hear about the society’s performance, ask questions to the Board and Senior Team.

We’d like to thank our Members for their continued loyalty and present the voting results below.

Voting results 2024

All votes were counted by a separate third-party, ensuring the results were fair and accurate.   

Our resolution results

ResolutionForAgainstWithheldFor %
1To receive the Directors’ Report, the Annual Business Statement, the Annual Report and Accounts and the Auditors’ Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2023.
2To approve the Directors’ Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2023, as set out in the Annual Report and Accounts.
3To re-appoint Deloitte LLP as auditors until the conclusion of the next AGM.

The election and re-election of Directors results

All Board Directors were elected or re-elected.

ResolutionForAgainstWithheldFor %
a)To elect Simon Moore
b)To elect Shimi Shah
c)To re-elect Jonathan Baum
d)To re-elect Debra Evans-Williams
e)To re-elect Claire Hafner
f)To re-elect Sally Jones-Evans
g)To re-elect Julie-Ann Haines
h)To re-elect Iain Mansfield

Learn more

For related information on our Board and operations.

  • Meet our Board

    Learn more about our Board of directors and what they do for the society.

  • Our financial reports

    Read our latest financial reports to understand how we are performing and the ways we create a positive impact on society.