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Rogue traders

Avoid rogue trader scams

Rogue traders are opportunists who call on people to try and scam them out of their money. For example, they may make repairs that don't need doing or talk people into buying products they don't want or need.

Rogue traders will often:

  • Turn up uninvited and pressure you to have work done.
  • Offer cheap quotes or estimates that they won't put in writing.
  • Tell you that the work is needed urgently to prevent further damage to your home for example, roof or gutters are leaking.
  • Offer to start work almost immediately.
  • Demand money up front, or full payment before the work is complete.
  • Refuse to leave your home unless you agree to the work or return repeatedly to apply more pressure.

Tips on how to protect yourself

  • Always check the identity of doorstep callers.
  • Always ask for a written quote and compare to other traders.
  • Never agree to work being done or hand over cash on the spot.
  • Never let anyone into your home unless they are someone you know and trust.
  • Keep your belongings safe during any work.
  • Never agree to go to the bank or building society with the trader to withdraw money.
  • Don’t pay in full until you are completely satisfied with the work completed.
  • If you're put under pressure or the trader won't leave, close the door and phone the police.