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If you have any serious concerns about any aspect of our work, you can report this to us by following our whistleblowing process.

Whistleblowing policy and process

The process to follow is set out in our Whistleblowing policy

You can report a concern verbally or in writing to our whistleblowing contacts by:

  • Emailing
  • Calling the Safecall hotline on 0800 915 1571

    Principality suppliers can also use the suppliers’ whistleblowing form below.

    You can report a concern openly or anonymously. It's really helpful if you can include an explanation of why you're concerned and as much factual background as possible. We investigate all concerns and treat them in complete confidence.

Fill out the suppliers’ whistleblowing form

To learn more about how we collect and use your information, including the information captured on this form, please read our Third party privacy policy.

Report a concern

You can submit your details or choose to remain anonymous.

Required fields are shown with an asterisk*.

Your details and contact information